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Are YOU 100% invested in your career change?

soul driven career transition tips Feb 13, 2023

🤷 Are you ready to leave your current role??🤷

💥Spoiler Alert - you aren’t unless YOU have a solid strategy plan created BEFORE you quit.💥

🤩Here’s an activity to ensure you are 100% invested in your career change!🤩

💥Secret sauce to successful career transition:💥

Understand your motivations to develop a successful soul driven career transition plan.

🤷If you don’t, career decisions may result in:🤷
😠 Low readiness for change
😠 Negative emotions
😠 Self-doubt about the intended career change

🤩The goal of this activity is to:🤩
😆 Help you understand why you want a soul driven career change
😆 By becoming aware of your underlying motivations and desires
😆 Identifying how you would like these areas to be different

You can then decide if you truly want a complete soul driven career transition or if you can change your current role to better fit your personal needs.

Step 1: Identifying reasons for a career change
🔥Think about why you are considering a career change, what reasons can you come up with?
🔥What are your motivations?

Step 2: Identifying the most important reasons
🔥Identify the most significant reasons for your soul driven career transition.
🔥Select three that you think are the most important factors in your decision

Step 3: Analyzing your reasons
🔥Reflect on the three most important reasons in more detail by asking yourself
1. Why is this important to me?
2. How would I like this to be different?
3. What changes can I make to my current role to help me get closer to what I want?
4. What change in life circumstances (e.g., a different job or moving to a new place) would help me get closer to what I truly want?

Step 4: Career change reflection
🔥You have identified the key reasons underlying your desire for a career change and examined your motivations in more detail,
🔥What can you do to implement these changes?
🔥Considering your answers in the previous steps,
🔥 What is the most important action you can take right now to help you get closer to what you want?

Step 5: General reflection now think about all your responses and ask yourself
🔥What is the most valuable insight I have gained from this activity?
🔥How will I apply what I have learnt in my strategy plan?
🔥In what ways has this activity helped me evaluate your career choices?

While changing careers is relatively common, it can be daunting and overwhelming. Understanding the motivations and reasons for wanting a career change can remove self-doubt help you make informed, confident, and effective career change decisions

The decision to undergo a career change is internal and must be subjectively evaluated by you.

🥳If you would like a tutorial, activity workbook and fact sheet to support this activity, please click on the link below.

🥳In the soul driven career transition masterclass we explore career change motivations in a live group coaching session. If you would like more information about the soul driven Masterclass and community private message me for a brochure.

🥳Feel free to add your motivations in comments below so others can resonate, feel they are not alone and we can all learn how we are not alone when creating motivation for a soul driven career change.

🥳The free six day career challenge, I created, helps you find your motivations and evaluate if a soul driven career challenge is right for you (Link in my bio)


Click this link for more info:

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