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How and when, it’s time to start the career change journey

soul driven career transition tips Feb 20, 2023

Two important questions to ask yourself:
🥰In your current career can you genuinely say you are creating impact, purpose and have freedom (in all forms) every day of your working life?
🥰Do you wake up every day excited to get straight into your work and upset at the end of the day when you have to stop working and unwind?
if this is the case, you are part of only 20% of professionals who are super happy in their current dream career.
😭If this is not the case then are you finding yourself:
😭stuck climbing the corporate ladder
😭fed up there are no foreseeable promotions in the pipeline
😭your confidence takes a battering when you look around your team and don’t recognise a single face.
😭Your nagging inner voice is getting too loud asking when will you start up your side hustle and then go full throttle?
🤪The bottom line:🤪
🤪You need to do something but feeling too overwhelmed and confused about what to do and how to go about your imminent career change?
🤪 You know the career you really want to do but it's the thought of the strategic planning and doing of a career transition that overwhelms you into sticking to what you hate?
🥳I invite you to:🥳
🥳Connect with your soul driven passions and align to a dream career.
🥳Align your soul driven career vision with your reality.
🥳Create a career transition strategy and plan.
🥳So you can finally enjoy a soul driven job or business you love🥳
🥳That will serve you career enjoyment, fulfilment and success🥳
My promise to you is, this can become reality and the career transition journey is fun, non overwhelming, with a successful outcome.
😍Like Rob who went from Advertising Executive to qualifying as a builder to setting up a super successful residential building project management business.
😍James who went from Retail BUE, to photographer to Professional Explorer to published travel author.
😍Tam who went fro GLobal Marketing Executive back to Uni to study Councelling and now a passionately supporting youth onthe streets.
😍Carrie who went from Global Advertising Executive to qualifying as a Chef and owning one of the most successful themed hat restaurants in Sydney!
By joining the Soul driven career masterclass and community fantasy becomes reality!

🥳If you would like to lock in a free 30 minute confidential discussion toHow and when, it’s time to start the career change journey:
assess if you are ready to join the support this activity, please click on the link below.

🥳In the soul driven career transition masterclass we explore career change motivations in a live group coaching session. If you would like more information about the soul driven Masterclass and community private message me for a brochure.

🥳Feel free to add your motivations in comments below so others can resonate, feel they are not alone and we can all learn how we are not alone when creating motivation for a soul driven career change.

🥳The free six day career challenge, I created, helps you find your motivations and evaluate if a soul driven career challenge is right for you (Link in my bio)


Click this link for more info:

UnsTuck your career program kicks off on the first week of every month.
Life’s too short to be stuck in a frustrating job that saps all your energy.
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