Book your Free Career Strategy session!
- Book your session using the link below
- Complete your strategy session preparation form.
- To prepare for the strategy session ensure you are comfortable with no background distractions.
- After the call you will have a strategy in place to take your career to the next level.

Complete your coaching preparation form

Meet your coach....
Camilla is a Positive Psychology Practitioner, Leadership and Professional Development Coach who specialises in creating and developing career transitions and advancement. However, that wasn't always the case, after spending nearly twenty years in the corporate arena chasing leadership positions in Human Resources.
In 2016, I was feeling the guilt of being a working Mum in an Asia Pacific Leadership position which required relentless travel and unsocial hours. I asked for voluntary redundancy unsurprisingly, it didn't come my way the first time around. Finally, I was given the opportunity to leave an incredible career spanning a decade with IBM to embark on a soul driven career transition.
A self-confessed continuous learner, I have completed numerous qualifications (MBA and post grads) and Coaching certifications.
I have helped 100's of clients find and develop their chosen careers through one on one coaching and group coaching programs. Their feedback and suggestions have lead to the creation of the Soul driven career transition Masterclass, GCCM professional development community and membership programs.
Join me on a journey of self-love, self-discovery, and unapologetic confidence to find and nail your purposeful career transition and/or advancement.