Unlock Your True Career PotentialÂ
with GCCM's Tailored Self-Paced Programs.
BUT before you do anything

Answer The 5 Essential Questions to Transform Your Career SuccessÂ
Watch the 5-Minute Demo Video and Take the Quiz!Â
Welcome to our exclusive suite of self-paced career development programs, meticulously crafted to empower you at every step of your professional journey.
Whether you are:

Navigating a Career Cross Road

Job Searching

Career Success Planning

In a Career Rut

A New Career Chapter

Soul-driven Career Transition

Newbie to Management

Navigating Redundancy
Our programs are the secret to your career success.

Empowering Careers:
Accelerating your trajectory from the ordinary to the extraordinary – because your success story deserves to stand out among the 0.000000002% of high achievers.

Remain Ordinary
- No Career Clarity
- Stuck in a role you hate
- No Promotion
- A Crap Resume
- Job rejections
- No confidence
- Low Self esteem

Become Extraordinary
- Â A killer career plan
- Rasor sharp career clarity
- Promotions handed to you
- Extreme Professional Power branding
- Headhunters knocking
- Interviewers begging you to accept their offer
- Career Fulfillment
We Give You Everything You Need To Unlock your Career Potential.
We have Solutions for Every Step of the way.
Introducing Our Self Paced ProgramsÂ

The Six Steps for Career Success:Â
Your Blueprint for unlocking your full career potential.
After completing the Six steps to Career Success, you will have:
- Assessed if it's the role that sucks or you.
- Prepared your key drivers for career success.
- A fool proof action plan to get there.
When to Quiet Quit and how to do it Without Losing your workplace Friends!!

The Road to Freedom:
Your Blueprint to leaving a Job You Hate and Pursue and Land a Job You LOVE
After completing The Road to Freedom, you will have:
- Created a job hunt schedule that doesn't impact your current job.Â
- Use networking to open opportunties.
- Step-by-step guide to quit a role you hate the right way.
- Actions and templates for new job search activities and resignation.
Thinking About a Career Transition?

UnsTuck your Career Program:
Your Blueprint for a successful stressfree career change.
After completing UnsTuck your Career, you will have:
- Chosen a career aligned to your authentic self.
- A clear career roadmap for success.
- A fool proof action plan to get there.
All our Programs are:

Introducing your Coach, Camilla!
I went from Global HR Lead to building NBHR Consulting and Glass Ceiling Career Management.
  After leaving the corporate world I focussed on my passion for health and fitness building a successful fitness business called Milla's Squad. From there I learnt how to empower individuals to be the best version of themselves which led me to starting Glassceilingcareermanagement focussing on helping professionals around the world fulfill their career aspirations.
   I then saw a gap in the market for frustrated and time poor professionals which steered me in the direction of creating self paced career programs and a Free professional development community.

What people are saying:
Securing A Dream Project Management Role!
"Camilla helped me discover the next steps for my career and prepared me to get my dream Senior Project Manager position.
After coaching with Camilla, I had a clear view of my strengths based on my skills and experience. I understood what I like and how I want to grow.
With Camilla's expertise, I re-positioned myself as a Senior Project Manager and received many job offers from diverse places (medical research to educational projects.) I was able to choose the position that was aligned best to my personal values plus I secured a $20,000 payrise."
A Huge Offer From Dream Company!
"Just got the dream offer from Allianz!
I love the sound of this management role so I think I'm going to take it!!
You gave me the confidence and our coaching sessions helped ace the interview, thanks a million Top Dog Coach."
I Survived and Now Completed My Performance Improvement Plan!
"OMG! It's the best decision I have ever made. Through weekly coaching sessions, Camilla provided insightful and practical mentoring and coaching to proactiively work through my PIP activities. She provided me with insightful HR support and coached me through my performance improvement plan. She checked in daily and also attended meetings as my support buddy. Without Camilla, I would have definitely not coped and as a result of Camilla's support, I would not be in the role today."
From Contract to Permanent!
"It was good to work through some big picture scenarios about career pathways and general areas of work to realise that the priority was to get a job offer from my current place of work and deal with urgent requirements around the mortgage.
Once we got into that narrower focus we were able to work really productively. Getting the role title and position description was solid gold as I've really struggled to put a name to the type of work I do and that's made it historically difficult to assert the value of the work. Thank you!"
Which Program will you be starting?

Our Rock-Solid 100% Money-Back Guarantee
When you sign up for any of of the selfpaced programs you can invest with confidence because you will always be covered by our money back guarantee. In the extremely unlikely event we can’t help you set up a career success plan, I will refund every cent you’ve invested with me – no questions asked.